A diverse mix of courses, lectures, and workshops.
New services may be added, or existing ones subject to change, based on season or on current interests.
1 Day
This fun all-day course explores the knife. Students will learn to carve and fit a handle to a knife blade, and create a personalized sheath. Workshop includes introduction to carving with a knife, grips and posture, safety, and sharpening.
This workshop is open to adults and teens.
Spoon Carving
1 Day
An all day workshop dedicated to the wooden spoon. Examine the works of professionals from the past and present, of collections from museums and various cultures from around the world. Breakdown the design, the function and form, of the small sculpture dedicated to food. This course will all explore various knife grips, ideal woods, curing, oiling methods, and in the end, the carving of a personalized wooden spoon.
This workshop is open to adults and teens.
Beginner’s Carving
1 Day
A fun introduction to carving with a knife, including basic grips, posture, safety, and sharpening. Students will learn about ideal carving woods, greenwood carving, grain, curing and preserving. Students will create one or more basic items, which they will take home.
This workshop is open to families and adults.
Intermediate Carving
2 Day
A fun weekend course, the first day includes introduction to carving with a knife, basic grips, safety, and sharpening. Students will learn about ideal carving woods, greenwood carving, grain, curing and preserving. Students will create one or more basic items. Second day includes advanced knife grips, introduction to use of the axe and hook knife, proper grip and posture, safety, and sharpening. Students will use these three tools to create items such as a spoon from start to finish, which they will take home.
This workshop is open to adults and teens.
Advanced Carving
4 Day
Split over two weekends, this course is a chance to really dive-in and explore the possibilities. The first weekend covers the the elements of the 2-day workshop. The second weekend covers advanced techniques with the axe, knife and hook tools, detail work, engraving, and chip carving. Introduction to the adze, gouge, drawknife, and other traditional tools. Introduction to basic joinery, and use of the shave horse. This workshop allows the students to be more creative. Students will make items such as bowls and cups, stools, spoons, butter knives and bull-roarers, and decorate their items which they will take home.
This workshop is open to adults and teens.