A diverse mix of courses, lectures, and workshops.

New services may be added, or existing ones subject to change, based on season or on current interests.

Nature Awareness

Here is the greatest tool, skill and teacher. Where it all begins. In this inspiring, sensory expanding class, students will attune themselves to the beat of nature. They will go through practices and techniques to hone their senses. They will learn indigenous methods and skills to further their ability to see and communicate with animals and plants. Students will also learn stalking techniques, the art of camouflage, animals sign basics, and undergo a series of tests and games designed to expand their awareness.


In this immersion, students will be transformed. A track is a window into the soul. Students will learn basic animal sign and compression shapes. They will learn to measure time of a track, as well as the stride, straddle, and pitch. Students will be able to understand different animal gaits, and tell the difference between male or female, relaxed or nervous. Students will also receive an introduction into limb and eye dominance and its natural affect on animal paths. Students will also learn stalking techniques, and learn to see tracks in every movement. This class is only the beginning.


This class is one that will have an impact on the way you relate to fire and plants. Students will make fire by friction (hand drill, bow drill) as well as an introduction to other friction methods (fire plow, split bamboo fire saw). Students will also give a go at fire by percussion methods (flint & steel, two rock), as well as other forms (fire piston, solar lens, ferrocium rods). Discussion on different woods and preparation, including various tinders, from cattail to grasses, from leaves and inner barks to polypore mushrooms, based on different climates and regions. Students will also learn different fire lay methods and proper placement in various conditions.

Edged Tools

From stone to bone, wood to metal, this class covers the history and function of edged tools from different areas of the world. Students will get a chance to handle and utilize various implements, and get a chance to compare stone, wood, bone and metal counterparts. Atlatls, arrows, adzes, axes, knives, of all different shapes, forms, and materials. Students will also learn flintknapping basics and demonstrations on various methods of creating their own edged tool.


Here is a chance to begin to see all that nature provides. In this class, students will not only learn the fundamentals for sustainably harvesting and utilizing different parts of wood for different things, but they will begin to see how much can be done, created out of just one thing. Students will learn about barks, inner barks, fibers and grains. They will be able to tell the difference between hard and softwoods, and the different processing methods of dry and green woods. Students will learn about steam bending, carving, bark baskets, ideal fire friction woods, ideal fire woods in diverse conditions, water tight containers, pitches and oil extractions, inner bark uses, snares and traps, bark sheaths, feather sticks, tent pegs, bull roarers, withies, and more.


The great skill of fiber and cordage. A wonderful hands-on class involving the various ways to find and create cordage, from plant to animal. Students will learn the processing methods involved, as well as various wrapping & rolling methods, and will understand the principles behind producing and preparing fibers of all kinds. Students will use this skill to create an item, which they will take home.

Water & Wild Foods

This adventure covers the tasty aspects of the outdoors. Students will go on a hike and identify various edible native plant species, and learn about proper harvest time, preparation, and storage. This class also includes animal identification, introduction to animal sign, snares and various traps. Students will learn about various indigenous methods of preparing and storing various foods. Students will learn about water, where to find it, how to purify it, and various methods of harvesting it, from dew to stills. With all things, utmost respect and proper consideration is discussed, with the emphasis on perpetual harvests and propagation.


This exploration into the different aspects of shelter will leave you inspired. From the clothing on your back, to the construction of secure dwellings, students will have a full overview of the many different ways to provide a means of safety, protection, and warmth. Students will adventure into the forest and be able to differentiate suitable zones for placement, and differentiate the various levels of shelter based on time, efficiency, and need. Students will create an A-frame shelter as well as receive an introduction in heating, fire placement, bug repellents, and long-term shelter construction. At the end of this course, the ‘wild’ will seem more of a home.

Wilderness Weekend

This wild adventure is a weekend excursion in the woods, learning, observing and applying all the aspects and basics taught, as well as others. Here is an opportunity to dive-in and emerge feeling more at home in nature. Students will be provided with a list of belongings needed for this course.